Deap 2.1
Deap 2.1

Additionally, comprehensive technical and method development assistance is offered. All of these materials are available in analytical and also semi-preparative (10 mm), and preparative (20 mm, 30 mm and 50 mm i.d.) dimensions. The GreenSep range features a variety of selectivities offering orthogonality. Many of the GreenSep phases designed for basic and acidic compounds do NOT require mobile phase additives that are commonly required with other brands of phases. GreenSep stationary phases, on the other hand, have been specifically engineered for SFC separations, paying close attention to bonding coverage, density and all factors leading to high capacity phases which exhibit excellent selectivity and peak shape. These phases are poorly adapted to SFC and present a number of limitations for SFC separations including low capacity, poor selectivity and poor peak shape. Many SFC separations have utilized “older normal phase HPLC types” of stationary phases such as unmodified silica, diol, amino and cyano.

  • Immuno-oncology & Immunotherapy Research.
  • Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction Solutions.
  • Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC).
  • Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) - Clinical.
  • deap 2.1

  • Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS).
  • Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS).
  • MicroCT Imaging (Micro Computed Tomography).
  • cfDNA/cfRNA Isolation, Analysis and Detection.
  • deap 2.1

  • DNA/RNA Isolation, Analysis & Detection.
  • Operetta CLS High Content Analysis System.
  • Cell Viability, Proliferation, Cytotoxicity & Metabolism.
  • deap 2.1

  • Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).
  • cfDNA Isolation and Analysis Instruments.
  • Nucleic Acid Analysis and Protein Characterization.
  • Mass Spectrometry - Clinical Research System.
  • Food Testing Parts, Reagents, Consumables.
  • Automation & Liquid Handling - Research.

  • Deap 2.1